Cradle for Nature


Planted in November 1996

Species: Alder, Pine, Silver Birch, Rowan, Goat Willow, Oak, Dog Rose

A JCB was brought in to dig trenches across the slope prior to the planting. Due to the steep angle of the hillside the JCB tipped over, but luckily no-one was hurt.

The Dog Roses were planted at the suggestion of the Bulgarians - a bad idea in hindsight.


Year 1:

Year 2:

Year 3:

Year 5:

Year 10:
2006 - The dog roses might have looked pretty in the spring (when no-one was on site), but they made it very difficult to measure the trees.

Other comments:
With some difficulty a 20 year measurement was carried out in 2016 of the single fertiliser and control plots.