Cradle for Nature

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Diary - 2009

November : Planting Willows

We planted several hundred willows in the fenced area at the top of the hill.

The first batch were 200 goat willow root saplings which were planted in the top right corner of the fenced area. Next came another 200 pre-prepared willow sticks that had been treated with rooting powder. We then planted about 100 more from cuttings taken from the willows in Sheila. Most of the willows were simply pushed into the ground and very little digging was needed.

On the second day it rained so we spent the morning at the Old Rectory discussing what needed doing for the Cariad paper.

June : No Summer Measuring :(

Apparently there's nothing that actually needs measuring this year! So the next activity will probably be some planting in late November.

Kip visited the site and took some photos at the end of June.